Sunday, February 2, 2014

One of Those People

Well it happened again today, at a Super Bowl party, I had one of those awkward conversations with someone who denies climate change:

Person: "Gee. Winter sure does seem warmer in Phoenix than it was 20 years ago."

Me: "I'm a born and raised Phoenician and personally I've see a huge change in the winters here. I miss wearing a sweater more."

Person: (in sarcastic tone) "Well I know its not 'global warming', my sister back in Minnesota says its been the coldest and worst winter for her in years."

Me: The term global warming is a bit funny, what it really means is the world is experiencing climate change with an overall increase in average global temperature."

Person: (unpleasant tone) "Oh, you're one of those liberal anti-business environment people...."

This is when I chose to walk away. WTH?! Was my explanation of the term global warming to "science-y".

When did caring about the changing planet and the life that lives on it automatically label you a "liberal, anti-business, environment" person?

Understanding and advocating for the very real science proving the changing climate of earth does not inherently make someone liberal. It is beyond depressing, that something as significant to continued life on earth as this issue, has become a liberal vs. conservative thing. Addressing our evolving global climate and the issues it brings humanity should be a human thing. We have one earth and without it we would not be here to argue about politics.

Moreover, how in anyway, seriously anyway, does my mention of climate change in the above conversation indicate that I am anti-business. Climate change is anti business, just ask the store owners who lost their business to hurricane Sandy last year, or farmers who's soil is changing with the weather.

So, what is so terrible about being an "environment person". I love the environment, I love nature and I want to continue to have and appreciate it. I study environmental science and ecology because I care so much about preserving the beautiful gift of bio-diversity that is our planet's ecosystems!


How do we change people's perceptions?

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