Saturday, March 8, 2014

Peak Phosphorus – Is “Dooms Day” around the corner?

After doing some extensive reading on the subject earlier in the semester for this Sustainable World course, I have been haunted by the notion of peak phosphorus! Phosphorus is critical to the very existence of every living cell on this planet. Critical cell growth, development, and processes such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration are contingent upon phosphorus. 

 (The Calvin Cycle)
The issue of course is the very role it plays in life, which is resulting in its ultimate depletion. Phosphorus is so key to growth of living things that we are mining it to enhance the growth and production of our food. Fast growing bigger plants means more food for more people. However, when the phosphorus is gone it means more people will starve.

The notion of peak phosphorus feels very “dooms day”, nonetheless, we literally cannot live without it. It is this very reason I am so concerned. Very few people seem to be worried, little to no mainstream media is addressing this issue, and the phosphorus cycle is not taught regularly in school science classroom. I wonder how many people even realize how critical this resource is to our existence and its continued presence is key to preventing starvation. 

What are we to do?!

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